Les Salines and the certify “Welcome”

Les Salines ont obtenu le label "Welcome" en 2018 et ont à cœur de vous proposer des activités adaptées pour les personnes étrangères.

Certify “Welcome” what is that?

The certify Welcome has been created by the Pays de la Loire Region to revitalise the welcoming of foreign clienteles. For this, a charter has been put in place to define criterion and offer a customized and adapted service for English customers.

boat trip in vendee

The certify “Welcome” in Salines

For the comfort of foreign clienteles our hosts can welcome in english spoken. During the visit, a guide book will be offer. It is translated in English,German and Dutch, it explain the details and the contents of our differents activities.

Many activities are possible with translations in Les Salines : such as boat trips and canoe rentals in the salty river, and the meeting with a salt worker, who explain his job and the salt harvesting. It’s possible for children to harvest their own salt. We suggest, too, the salt adventure park where you will discover the marsh : its working, history and biodiversity.

Come to live salty adventures!

The Salt Adventure Park

Right in the heart of the salt farms, on 10 hectares of marshland, embark on the fabulous adventure of salt. Follow the paths to discover Gallic huts and guardhouses.

Meeting with the Salt maker

Revelations about salt traditions and the crystallisation process, demonstrations…

The salt harvest

Become an apprentice salt-maker in the Marais d’Olonne and take home your own harvest of salt (special for children).